When we were on holiday in July, RBD2 suggested that I ought to make a bag of stunt monkees.
So that I could have thrown one onto this swans back ......
..... or onto this bridge as it was raising .....
...... or up a tree, or onto a tourist boat from a bridge, or from a speeding train ..... are you getting the idea? I wasn't keen. Plus I could have been arrested if I started throwing knitted monkeys around the place - especially at wildlife.
But that was then. And having given it due thought and consideration, I thought it may not be such a bad idea. Although I probably won't throw them around. Much.
007 checked out his latest mini-me ......
...... he was non-plussed ........
But then I told him about the bag of stunt monkees idea ......
...... and he liked it ......
....... he liked it a lot ......
Hey! Where's HP4??
But don't worry about HP4, it's like a home-from-home in there .......
...... but with less dust. And furniture.
I also have a stunt muffin (as you do). When I thought that the raspberry and white choc chip muffin was being discontinued I bought an inferior RaWCCM from a bakery, but it was a tad hard, and being the
* that's because it is
You crazy funny girl! You've had me laughing out loud again at a time when I'm not even properly awake! Those photos are brilliant. My very-definitely-non-blogging-big-sister confessed that she finds your blog very very funny too - that's a huge compliment as she told me she couldn't see why or how I had the time to spend on my blog - what's the point kind of attitude! Have a good day - I'm not going to work as Dot is sick - so much for me trying to prove that I was "a reliable employee"! Lucy
how do you have time to knit (it had better be monkeys you are knitting??) AND be so funny?? i actually snorted laughing and was drinking early morning coffee at the time (not pretty) LOL 007 is a naughty monkey!! xx
Cheers guys! Sorry to hear about Dot, Lucy, hope she feels better soon. Dr Monkee Maker recommends a day in front of the telly for her and a day crafting for you. Hurrah! Bound to make you both feel better!
And Sarah, I don't have time to knit AND be funny, hence one of them has to suffer .... I'm doing lots of knitting at the moment!
Now look here, missy - don't be greedy on the monster front. You already have Marvellous Mieke to keep you company, whereas I obviously NEED Austin to protect me from the Monkey Army in case they get nasty. So enough with the bitterness, ok?
Actually, if you're going to create a whole sack of stunt monkees then you'll have a Monkee Army of your own... so perhaps you do need more monsters. But you still can't have Austin. Sorry.
Now that's out of the way, I also want to say well done for overcoming MFS to complete HP4! Is he smaller then the previous HPs? Or am I just going blind? Either way, he's tops - and don't let 007 tell you any different :o)
What can I say, another laugh out loud momnet
Suzie Sews
Stunt monkees.. what a great idèa! Can't wait to see what you are planning to do with them.. ;D (you won't kill them, will you? Or hurt them badly?)
Love your stud, er, stunt muffin.
Loving all the pics of 007- he's the best!
It was bound to happen. Your complete insanity has obviously started rubbing off onto your children. What sort of a person would think of throwing monkeys at swans or lobbing them onto lifting bridges.
Ahh, like mother like daughter.
Barking. The whole lot of you! (And before you say that RGH isn't, wasn't he the one running round the garden with a barrow full of monkeys trying to make them fly?)
Way too funny!! You crack me up! This is the best blog site ever!!!
Hee! I'm crying from laughter here! Your poor stunt monkeys! Still, if an army of stunt monkeys is what it takes to get you over your knitting blahs, then I hope to see lots of daring feats!
Snap Lucy Locket, except it wasn't my s-i-l it was my sister. She even laughed out loud!
Please keep intermingling the knitting and the funning Monkee Maker - I need both.
This is my first visit and I must say I really laughed at those photos. I love the stunt monkey idea - that really tickled my humour :-)
I am so excited about a bagful of stunt monkees that I need a lie down now. ;)
Is that muffin considered armed and dangerous now?
I love the idea of stunt monkeys. (Personally, I have always thought that having a stunt person or stand in on hand would be mighty handy to get through the more difficult day to day head-banging-type tasks.)
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