But sorry, there'll be no monkeys today. Not of the knitted variety, anyway.
It's RBD1's birthday today so here's a little photo montage which she'll hate love!
It only seems like yesterday when this stylish little monkey lady burst into our lives .......
She's always been beautiful .......
...... and
....... and now she's 15 she definitely doesn't want one of these for her birthday ......
(although she has already got No. 10)
But she does want a boyfriend .......
And really, what's the point in having a blog if you can't use it to embarrass your nearest and dearest from time to time?
Happy 15th Birthday, Rather Beautiful Daughter 1!!
(Normal knitted monkey service will be resumed next time)
So glad you decided to post today. Happy Birthday, MM's RBD1! (Embarrassment is in the eye of the beholder, in my opinion.) Me, I'm just hoping the Short One decides to go back to sleep sometime soon, as it is far too early in the morning (2:30am here) for me to be writing this. Yawn.
Happy Birthday RBD1! We remember that hat!!! NO NO AND NO AGAIN to boyfriends, they aint nut'n but trouble .... and so say all of us.xx
quick, quick....
knit a HUGE guard monkee and sit it outside that bee-yoo-tee-full girls bedroom door.
boys are nothing but trouble.
but happy birthday .....
hope your girl gets everything she wishes for
except the boy....
tracy x
Ohh! I have a gorgeous 15 (16 in April) nephew - tall, very fit, blond hair, blue eyes...
Do you think Pennsylvania (USA) is too far to go for a first date?
ps: Birthday blessings to you all and all my best wishes for a year overflowing with laughter.
Oh dear me RBD1, if only your mum had let me know it was your birthday I could have made you a cake. It would be too late though now. Hope your mum made you one instead. Happy Birthday.
Oh! You make daughters as beautiful as your monkeys! ;) Happy Birthdya, RBD1!
Happy Day to you Monkee Maker, that's 15 years of hard work put to good use! Well done!
Happy birthday to a beautiful "unknitted monkey" - congratulations RBD1 for surviving 15 years of lunacy! It can only get better - can't it?????
dear monkee maker,
my comment appears to have been removed. I didn't mean to offend. I hope you accept this as an apology if it was.
My daughter is looming nine - what we would know of boys?
Happy birthday RBD1!
Love the montage! have a great day!
I knew you wouldn't be able to stay away!HAPPY BIRTHDAY to RBD 1,now did you make her a cake and was it made of knit?
Hope RBD1 is having a fab 15th birthday! Also hope you are all enjoying eating lots of cake :o)
(It's my non-knitting gran's 79th birthday today - just 64 years' headstart on RBD1!)
VC x
Happy Birthday RBD #1 and many more to come!
Happy Birthday, RBD!
(now you need to get a blog and post embarrassing photos of your mum!)
Hello Monkee maker, I have taged you!-details on my blog. Ive only been blogging for 2 weeks & didnt expect to be tagged myself.Only one problem, I had to come up with 4 friends! since I dont know that many people, that well ( Yes, I mean blogging ones, I do have friends in real life!!)I hope its ok to class you as a friend to join in the fun. ( if you do decide to participate, im sure your answers will be much more entertaining than mine! )
Hope you do, from billy no-bloggin-mates!
thanks, If you do decide to do it, I just added another 4 favourite foods category,that I forgot to include.
A very happy birthday to a beautiful young lady, thats a stunning pic of her at the end.
I wish I looked that good at her age, I bet Mom was pleased I did not!!!
No monkeys?? No monkee posting today...no monkey sweatshirt. How terrible. But yeah...I'll be keeping my eyes out for someone wearing a monkey sweatshirt, for sure! :)
Anyway, happy birthday to your daughter. She is beautiful; actually, your whole family is rather beautiful...really. :)
I absolutely love your photos they crack me up. And for the record, if your cash is dwindling I would avoid TOAST at all costs.....
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