Yeah yeah, I know I'm not even supposed to be here but Vera went down such a storm yesterday (thanks for all the lovely comments), that I thought I'd see if I could push my luck and get another day's worth out of her. Plus I like to keep you on your toes.
Obviously I was lying about that whole not-liking-the-Vera-yarn thing. What's not to like about this?
Anyway, before she got squished up into a box and packaged off to Michaela, RGH and I thought we'd take her out on the town and show her some of the sights of Bristol .......
(obviously the highlight of my Vera's trip)
Unfortunately it was quite rainy so we didn't see as much as we'd hoped for. Still, when we got home we introduced her to one of our favourite snacks .......
Orange squash and sliced apple. Oh no, wait, that's one of our other favourite snacks ......
- two sips and her googly eyes were all over the place!
Note to Michaela : I'm sure she won't smell too bacony. Or beery. Or fishy (Scampi flavour fries). But sorry if she does.
Is this desire to knit monkeys spreading - I feel the urge - inspired by all of your monkeys - your blog is the first one I visit every morning :D
Vera could not be cuter. It's nice living vicariously through her and seeing Bristol, too - given how rambunctious a certain member of my household is, I doubt I will be seeing England again for several years. Oh, and, from the other end of the world - your blog is the last one I visit every night. I'm always chuffed when I there's a new post before I toddle off to bed.
Morning Monkey-girl - glad Vera has had an introduction to sheer madness monkee-maker style - hopefully her life with Michaela will be more restful and less alcoholic! I'm so glad you were here this morning for my pre-breakfast pick-me-up! See you again tomorrow! (that was not a request...... it was an order!!!!) Lucy x
You crack me up! Glad to see the blog abstinence is going so well. Vera looks way too comfortable with the beer - I hope Michaela has a fridge full of cold ones! Have a great day and thanks for providing the laughs - again xxx
Love the monkey. Just found you again - lost you somewhere in the list of blogs - so glad to have found you again. Hope Vera's hangover wasn't too bad. Travelling and hangovers don't go well together.
more monkey abuse......
you just had to share didn't you....
glad Vera is going to a nice new home x
see you in the morning?????
have a great day
tracy x
I love Vera. She is a very sophisticated monkey. I love your blog it always makes me smile. You must be proud of all the nice comments that you get.
Hmmm... so, yesterday's post got lots of comments, and now you're back blogging again today...
Does this mean that you'll post every day so long as you get enough comments? And has the not-blogging-every-day thing been a ruse all along, designed to get more comments?
Clever. Very clever.
VC x
Wearing the scent of Gucci or bacon/beer/fish, Vera is still lovely : ) That Michaela is one lucky lady!
ps: happy to see you this morning!
Dear Vera,
The Stella is in the fridge, along with chocolate cake. We also have a lovely big bunch of fresh bananas. The rabbits are all very excited that you're coming to stay and are making a monkey shaped space in the Stash Basket as we speak.
See you soon, safe journey.
Glad to see that you can't resist blogging ; - ) Your blog is the first one I check every day and it always makes me laugh out loud,it sets me up for the day!
i hope (lucky lucky jammy) michaela is paying heed to vera's HUGE internet fanbase, and planning to continue her adventures! though presumably she will not be showing more pics of vera's...AHEM...nether-regions...!!! (we respectable readers are not accustomed to imbibing KNITTED MONKEE PORN with our morning coffee, thank you very much!)
Oooh lucky Vera! She is brilliant!!
Mmmmmmm! scampi flavoured fries! havent had them for a while.
Glad to see again! (see, you tell us all, that you wont be posting, and we are all still checking in daily for hope of a new post!)
You do realise that the bigger your fan base gets, you will be getting loads, loads more requests for frequent posts!!( No pressure then! ) Hope to see u soon. xx
Hmph! I'm hurt that you could doubt me like this. I'll have you know I've been following your blog since the very early days, and I am intimately familiar with your entire archive. So much so that I knew exactly which two entries you were referring to in your comment, without having to check.
Crap, now I sound like a creepy stalker. Oops.
But anyway, back to my point - what was my point again? Oh yes, just that I naively wondered if there was more than one way to pack a monkey - much like the making of omelettes and so forth. But I know better now - humble thanks for your expert advice. I will act accordingly.
I'm so glad that my knits stay out of the refrigerator!
Sure, taunt me with Vera AGAIN! Well just you wait, because I'm gonna knit a monkee too. I am. Really. So maybe it won't be as cute as Vera but ya know, I'm gonna knit one. I am.
And quit tapping your foot at me!
Vera's lovely - that pattern does make lovely monkee bottoms! in reply to your comment on my blog, I resisted taking pink monkey to Amsterdam in case a: It was a bit too much of a monkee maker copycat and b: for 2 lads it was at times a bit of a struggle when I insisted on girly things like shopping - asking them to hang on while I posed my monkee would I think have pushed them too far.
I have just spent the whole evening looking through your blog I enjoyed it very much You have brought happiness and a smile back in to my life. Thanks. Monkee Magic!
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