Sunday, December 2

Monkee Mailing

Please excuse today's photo slot having a guest monkey, there's been a distinct lack of monkee-ing around going on here recently. Normal service will hopefully be resumed soon.

There has, however, been some monkee-making going on and I currently have four mip's (monkees in progress) on various sets of needles. Up until now I haven't set up an advance mailing list, to let people know when any new primates will be available, for a few reasons.

Firstly I'm very lazy, and couldn't be bothered. Secondly, I didn't think there would be enough demand for my ironically sewn up monkees (anyone who currently owns one will know what I mean by that ....), and thirdly, I'm just really lazy.

Anyway. I've decided to put my slovenly ways behind me and set one up. So if you'd like advance warning when the next batch of monkees will be released to continue on their mission of world domination, please mail me at , and if you could title your mail "Monkee Mailing", that would be smashing.

Then you won't have to keep checking here to read drivel like this.

This isn't drivel though ..... today's thought for the day ......

Well really. Surely it's too early for such aggression. I think I need a muffin.

By the way, I've already included Stine, The Devil Makes Work, Rhian and Nicola to my mailing list, so if they're reading this, don't worry about mailing me again.


Jodie said...

I love the thought for the day !!!!

Unknown said...

Today I feel just like thought of the day. Maybe because of the rain and the pile of washing and the fact that I am nearly out of tea bags.....I shall email to be put on that monkee list.
And, madam, I think you know exactly which witch to which I refer....and the lack of 007 pictures proves he is probably likely to be tied up in a cupboard somewhere.

Mrs Moog said...

'Ironically sewn up' has just caused the kids to ask me why i'm laughing so much!!!
Re: the chocolate with my advent calendar. Sadly I think Lucy forgot to put it in the envelope. Luckily I have my secret bar of G&B to nibble at.
That thought for the day was me yesterday.
'ssexqevt' word verif. Is it a job or a state of mind?
Happy Sunday MM xxx

Unknown said...

Oh Sunday rolls around again, and whats this? No 007. Its really not on you know, Ive actually been bothered to blog, taken it out of me it has and I ve come here for a bit of a monkee fix and there's a guest dude?? Whatever next, will 007 suddenly change into a bigger monkee in the style of a soap character change?? Pah.

I do like the thought of the day though :o)

PS Am I the only person that has to do word veri around 3 times before I manage to post my comment?

Kitty said...

I'd like to know which month of the year that picture and caption are for. Whichever it is, I'm going to 'live' that motto all month. :-) x

PS Suzy b ... no you're not.

the vicious chicken said...

I'm another one who can relate to the thought for the day. It's reassuring to see that other people feel like that too... Perhaps I will do as you suggest and go in search of a muffin - that might help :o)

Hope you got your calming muffin, too (here's to an aggression-free Sunday!)

Michaela said...

Thought for the day is wonderful. So very me! Where are you getting all of these from?

Locket Pocket said...

Yup, I agree with the thought for the day. Pretty much every day actually! Anyway, stop blogging and get knitting! LLx

Patti said...

That thought for the day, month, year, whatever pretty much suits me. That guest monkey is a handsome chap though.

I hope 007 is helping with the knitting of those monkees.

Happy knitting

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kerry - I was about to email you but I'm already on it - yippee!!! BTW, loving my new tote - just need a monkee now xxxxxxx

Jane said...

Hey MM, what's 007 up to?, has he gone on safari, been napped by the monkey snatchers or just too porked out on beer and bananas to put in an appearance! Great thought for the day though. happy Sunday Jane x I usually have to do word veri at least twice

sheep#100 said...

Great, now I want a muffin, too.

lauren bergold said...

i often have to do the word verification several times...but in my case i suspect it's because i will start to type a comment...and then get distracted...possibly even wander off for a while...and then come back and tye a bit more...OOH LOOK! cute little birds at the birdfeeder!...what was i saying?...oh yeah...word veification...i think "ssexqevt" might be a new type of aphrodisiac vodka...did somebody say there were MUFFINS...??!

mrspao said...

We're in Yule Log season - yipee :) I even bought HP6 his own monkee-sized ones.

Gigibird said...

Are you suffering from Monkee block?