...... but it's just getting embarrassing, the number of times he's been calling for me recently, bearing gifts. Sometimes he even leans in and whispers sweet nothings to me. Ok, so it's usually "I need a signature on this one", but I can read between the lines .....
Recently he handed me this ......
..... oooh, a lovely package .....
Which contained these smashing goodies from RubyRed ......
I won them for nearly but not quite guessing how old her cat was. Thanks, RubyRed.
Another day he brought me an exciting package from the States, which made me very happy.
Because Autumn had arrived! I know what you're thinking, Spring isn't even properly here yet, so how can it possibly be Autumn already? And heck, does that mean I missed Summer??
Well, rest assured. This Autumn is in knit form. And it's a monkey!
Huge thanks to Stine, who sent not only Autumn, but also some really minty mints .....
..... and a little snail playmate for Autumn ......
Thank you Stine, they're both ......
Next time I'll show and tell some rude food from Michaela and catch up with Joe and his monkee mates, but now I need to go and slap on some lippy ..... the doorbell could go at any minute and who knows what that man-in-a-big-red-van could bring me today.
A few things before I go though .....
A few things before I go though .....
Thanks so much for all the reassurance about my messy house. If I ever appear on How Clean is Your House, I'll know that I'm in good company!
Shawn Mary (she of the HP32 v Little Cotton Rabbits + Louis Vuitton bag fame) has started her own blog. If you like frogs (and I know someone who does), then get yourself over to Oliver and Olivia and scroll down to Friday's entry where you could win the lovely Pascale. No wait ..... why am I telling you this? I want to win him!
You may want to get yourself over to Aldi too, as they're currently selling wool ..... ok, acrylic ..... and really pretty needles ......
You may want to get yourself over to Aldi too, as they're currently selling wool ..... ok, acrylic ..... and really pretty needles ......
They also had overlockers for one hundred and twenty pounds. That's got to be cheap hasn't it? (I wanted to get one, but after the whole cricked neck incident, I thought it best that I keep quiet)
And finally ......
And finally ......
Do you need more colour in your life?
Oooh what loveliness - I reckon Postman Pat really does fancy you to bring you such fabulous stuff.
That candy floss creature at the bottom - No.1 said 'oooh, I like that!' - she doesn't even know what it is, but because it's all pink and purple and girlie she likes it. Tsk.
We don't have any Aldis near here - which is total pants isn't it? :-(
oh dear, I hope Autumn is welcomed nicely.......
Why oh Why did I tell Mr Locket to take the car today????? I need some retail therapy and Aldi's very pretty needles would have been perfect!!!!!
(before you go any further you need to check whether the postie has a bike fetish too - you don't want another one of those do you????)
Your postie excels himself with his packages! Fab goodies MM and little Autumn is just gorgeous!
Keep us posted on the responses of 007 and his crew to this cute new arrival ;)
My postie is two days late with some very important letters. D'yer think the lippy might work for me too?
I need some pink fluffiness and can't wait for 'the reveal'!!!
Autumn is very cute does - MR MM know about this love affair?
Nice tip about the Aldi bargains. I have no idea where my nearest one is - I think we are overrun with Lidls instead.
And I loved the pictures of your house. They made me feel much better. Rest assured when I finally do a show and tell of my new bathroom it will be completely staged - no one should know how we really live.
BOTHERATION! Got all excited there, THEN realised that our new supermarket isn't ALDI it's LIDL....BUM BUM BALEARY!!! I LOVE those fancy schmancy knitting needles....
Ohhhh Autumn is adorable, so sweet and tiny!
Thank you again MM for the "shout out" above. The power of Monkees has now crossed over to the my frog blog.
Shawn Mary
I do! I do! Need color in my life that is. I'd prove itt by losting a pic of the black, grey and white outfir I'm sporting today; alas, I don't know how to post a pic in a comment...(my world is so bland.)
ps: Love all your gifties!
pps: yes, the postal-delivery-person brings fab packages. But would he be willing to risk his NECK to give you the most wonderful bookcase?
Autumn is so cute! I found your blog yesterday through other blogs and love your sense of humour. Reading froglegsnvaseline's blog, she knitted the Sirdar monkey following the pattern but didnt like how it turned out. Before I cast on do you have any tips for making a better face shape? Your monkeys have inspired me and I'd hate to be disappointed after all that knitting!
Um excuse me? What rude food have I sent? The stuff I sent was quite polite, you obviously just have a very dirty mind! I'm flumoxed here - I'm just not that sort of a girl...
And no Aldi's anywhere near here either!
Mrs, how is 007 doing with the arrival of Autumn? I believe you said she is the only girl of the knit persuasion. Are the boys showing off for her?
Wow, how nice to get such lovely post... maybe I should start batting my eyelids at my postie and see if I can't get some exciting parcels too ;o)
Thanks for the top tip about Aldi (or was it Lidl? I've forgotten already... and I always get those two mixed up. Will have to double-check on your post before rushing off shopping as I'd be really peeved if I went to the wrong one and found no knitting stuffs when I got there...)
And the big pink fluffy thing looks... well, very big and very pink and very fluffy. If it's a monkee I can see why it might have induced MFS... too much fluffsomeness for ease of working, I feel. But maybe it's not a monkee - hard to tell when you post teaser pics like that!
erm, what are overlockers? love the fluffy pink stuff!
Autumn is cute and very lovely hope 007 likes her! wonder what the pink furryness is going to be? lovely colour. Jane x
Autumn is a cutie! I wish we had an Aldi, those needles are great.
you realize, of course, that i now have a hilarious but disturbing (& i think "disturbing" is taking the lead here!) mental image of you and postman pat engaged in a clandestine courtship??! ...at 8:26 AM, i might add... ta very much for that!
(btw, watch out for jess the cat...i've always suspected he was slightly evil...not that i have PROOF...i'm just sayin'...)
what can I say...you lucky lucky girl...
Mrs, the big, pink fluffy must have been very hard to knit with! Can';t wait to see what it may be.
Autumn is just adorable, I those hands.
i bet there's a lot of wondering posties out there! x
Oh you lucky lady! What color lipstick do you wear? Maybe my mailman would bring me extra goodies, if I wore it!
Love the pink!
Love that pink - whatever it is! Just found this, but maybe you have already seen it:
Merry Mog
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