The time : Friday morning
The place : Our dining room
I was just sitting in my chair, sewing up a monkee limb, when I noticed this .....
Oh, and there was a monkee sat facing the wall. It was 007. Now, as far as I can remember, it's only Dennis who is forced to sit facing the wall, so I asked him what was up.
He ignored me.
When I got up to make my breakfast I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched .....
..... but I guess I must have been mistaken ......
Honestly! It was like eating my breakfast with a surly teen ......
(for those of you wondering why I don't eat breakfast with a surly teen, it's because my (sometimes) surly teens don't eat breakfast. And before anyone writes in telling me that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, I know that. And you know that. But I think we all know that surly teens do actually know best)
So I went to work.
The time : Friday afternoon
The place : Our dining room.
When I got home 007 was in exactly the same position ......
But I noticed that there was a stack of paper and a pen on the table.
I tried again. "What's up?" I asked
007 started scribbling (he needed a bit of help with the pen lid .... no opposable thumbs)
"What's with the paper and pen?" I queried.
"But why??" I wailed.
Aah. It was becoming clear. 007 hasn't had a very good time recently. Not only did his girlfriend recently pop when she got snagged on the hawthorn hedge, but one morning 007 awoke to find that his little monkee mate wasn't around anymore.
But that wasn't my fault. RBD1 had an emergency birthday gift crisis and HP27 fitted the bill perfectly.
I suggested to 007 that maybe he'd feel better if he took his mind off his worries by doing some modelling work for me and my blog.
"I guess that means you aren't keen?" I suggested.
O-K. And another penny drops. Since Martin LaFelt and Rosy arrived, 007's nose has been put well and truly out of joint.
Well, you can't really blame him. Martin, also known as "my new bessie mate" and I have been doing loads of stuff together ......
Generally, he's just taken over our house .....
..... he's even been to my work too .....
(No, Mr I.T. man, my computer didn't break because it was jammed with grey felted wool - honest!)
...... modelling this fabulous new bag I bought from Moogsmum's new Etsy shop. It rather suits him, don't you think?
Anyway. Talking of work, I really need to get on. So, to cut an already long story slightly shorter, I'm not called Monkee Maker for nothing .....
I MADE 007 get back to work .....
I'm afraid I've gone out of order with all the goodies I'm meant to be show and telling, but what can I say? A new bag in one hand and a reluctant monkee in the other? The opportunity was too good to miss.
I'll get back in sync next time, when I'll introduce you to my new bessie mate ..... and get this ..... it's NOT A MONKEY!!!
* and refers to herself in the third party. Proof positive .... if proof were needed.
Oh, the surly teen. Door slamming, general huffing. I do not envy you.
I'd keep an eye on martin La Felt if I were you.....
Hee heeeeee - you have cheered up a very dismal morning!!
Poor 007, that little Martin has really wormed his way in hasn't he? Not quite what I anticipated when I was stabbing away 'la Felting' him!!
Once more oh great Monkee Maker you have surpassed yourself.
There really is a bestseller to be written ;)
Lesley xxx
p.s. glad you like the bag :)
When do you come up with this stuff?? *lol* I'm glad you do, or my day would be a lot more boring..
"365 days off monkee-ing around"(bad bad english, I know).. I would buy the book though!! :D
You better take 007 to the coffee shop and buy him a muffin.. or before you know it, he's moved out.. ;)
Another great post I now have the family reading what you are up to. Oh poor 007 he needs his ego massaged a bit, perhaps a day out just you and him.
Poor old 007. I think you need to make him a glamourous 007 type mate. Perhaps a Monkee Galore or some such.
I always start my day with smile after reading your blog. 007 definitely needs a new mate :-)
* and refers to herself in the third party. Proof positive .... if proof were needed.
Fear not, you are not alone.
Although I'm not sure that means there's any hope for either of us!
Poor 007, feeling all sorry for himself. Bless his little woolley feet.
Nice bag though. I might have to have a wander over to Lesley's shop myself......
love xMx
the more often I visit here the more certain I become that there has never been a plot, which is comforting on one level as you haven't been so careless to lose it...
Love that bag, very funky. If 007 has taken a year to become a teenager, I still have time to enjoy Twisty and Mr H before puberty hits!
brilliant strop pics and story!
Poor old 007! He really does have a hard life! Is his middle name Kevin?????
LOL jane x
I feel so sorry for 007. He needs a mission.
Oh monkee maker how could you do that to 007.You know that old friends are the best.Will he ever forgive you? Are we now seeing you in a new light!!!
OMG! Monkee teenage behaviour... You're in for some fun there lol.
My Colin is a cross dresser - how fussy is 007?
Poor 007 all alone! I do understand about this feeling of isolation, he needs a gal I think! Love the new bag one of my many weaknesses, is that spelled right?
Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for the best laugh I have had in AGES. I have been having a particularly miserable Monday, exacerbated by getting soaking wet four or five times today, and you have just poured in a whole load of laughter that I really needed.
Love those pics - you always have such a good eye for a photo - and had a good chuckle at your post today :o)
After the day I've had today at work, I can wholeheartedly agree that oh yes, surly teenagers do always know best - and they want everyone else to know that fact too, don't they?!
Shame 007's turned all surly on you too, though. Hope he's come round a bit after a starring role in today's blog post. But if not, tell him to pull himself together and stop being such a big diva ;o)
Giggle :)
Look, I know I'm a bit of a soft touch, but, well ... I have to admit to feeling a teensy bit sorry for 007. All those new folks stepping on his toes. And how would you like it if RGH popped? :-O It could be very messy, couldn't it?
What that monkee needs is his very own Miss Monkeypenny - shaken, not stirred.
Poor 007. :( He's too cute, though. I love his little tantrum.
I almost died when I saw the picture of the monkee who was sharing your coffee. hahaha :)
so funny...thanks for the laugh...I love your new bag, i'd better pop over and check out that new Etsy shop...Love to 007!!!
I am aure glad the monkee you sent to me is not surly (yet)! Wow, to be ignored in such a way, that has got to sting!
Thank you for the laughs, lady you sure can make a day!
Please tell 007 that I adore him completely and that he may come visit me because I'd give him loads of attention! Your bag is wonderful... that Lesley knows how to wip up those bags!! Thanks for making me smile today!!!!
awww it maybe time to spend some quality time with 007. bless!
Clearly completely batty.
Best way to be in my opinion.
Does Martin Le Felt smell of sour milk now though?
Am patiently waiting for a feet shot now you know, otherwise I will think you secretly hate them....
Now I've finally stopped laughing I might manage to type a comment! I think 007 is very clever to be able to write so well even if he can't spell - and I do feel a little sorry for him - that Martin LeFelt has obviously overstepped the mark!
Gorgeous new bag by the way - fab colours!
Gina x
Aww- a happy ending. That bag is great, I love the colours!
p.s. glad to see it's still raining in Bristol :D In 2 years there I've gone through around 7 umbrellas. I'm seriously considering laminating myself in preparation for 4th year!
p.p.s. Bond had Moneypenny, Mr Pigeon 007 has Miss Hennypenny- why not make 007 monkee a Miss Monkeypenny?'s a much better pun.
LOL I love your posts! Fabulous.
Poor 007 I feel sorry for him.
I have the same battle with breakfast in this house.
Hi, it is me again! I have given you a much deserved award, just pop over to my blog and pick it up!
even if she DOES occasionally offend knitted primates AND refer to herself in the third person, monkeemaker is still tops in lauren's book!!! :)
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