Saturday, May 10

A year of blogging and some Thank You's ....

My blog is one year old today.

I've had a brilliant year of blogging, mostly about knitted monkeys, and I'd like to thank everyone who has stopped by during the past year, and especially those who have commented on one or more of my 261 blog posts.

Thanks also to the following kind bloggers for these great goodies that have landed on my doormat recently ....

mushroommeadows for this beautiful February Girl print and cute card ....

Nia, for this delicious cupcake brooch .....

.... and Working Mom Knits for this wonderfully soft one too ....

Monda, for the extras that came with her little monsters ....

.... and Charlie, (the very talented creator of Greg) who sent me this fabulous package ....

.... complete with customised envelope!

Trash sent me loads of goodies including the best little hand painted monkey trinket box and teeny tiny glass ladybird ....

.... and finally, Bethany, who introduced me to these guys, and this song, for which I shall be eternally grateful ....

(I seem to have developed a bit of a crush .... I'm not sure which one on though ....)

I think that in this past year I've done as much public monkee-ing around as it's possible for a young woman slightly deranged 39 year old to do, so I've decided to hang up my monkee (not literally, for a change) and take a bit of a blogging break.

I'm feeling the need to step away from the computer and do something else for a bit. Maybe pick up a book, or just lie on the sofa of an evening having my head scratched, like I used to in the pre-blogging days (monkee by name, monkee by nature).

So it's goodbye from me ....

.... and goodbye from him ....

.... for now ....

.... we'll be back when more monkees made of knit are ready to join the crusade ....

.... the crusade that is world domination by monkees made of knit ....

Thursday, May 8

007 in Mission : Unbelievable - Part III

So, we're reaching the end of this monkee who-dunnit, and I must confess to being slightly surprised by the way things have turned out.

Looking at the following photo, I would say we had caught our monkee marauder red handed ....

.... No! Not my RGH - surely not! But when I studied the photo more closely, I realised that it had obviously been edited.

And further investigations led me to realise that THIS was in fact the straight-out-of-camera shot ....

For it transpires that the perpetrators of all these monkee misdoings were this pair of misfits .....

No. 5 (on the right) and his accomplice in crime No. 6. It's shocking, I know, as they both look much too gormless.

Not convinced? Well, lets examine some photographic evidence that has come to light ....

.... hmm, interesting ....

.... very interesting ....

And now that we know the truth, let's just have another quick look at the video footage taken recently at 007's garden party, to see if we may have missed anything the first time round .....


Finally, the most damning evidence of all .....

Just who was behind the steering wheels of these stretch limos earlier this week?

.... why, none other than No. 5 and No. 6! .....

.... proof positive, I'm sure you'll agree ....

Luckily, before he flew back home, Cedric the Super Hero spotted the monkee mutineers laughing and joking in the garden .....

.... I think we got away with that .... we're great, we are ....

.... oh-oh .... looks like we've been rumbled .....

.... nothing to see here ....

But in true Super Hero style, Cedric took them down and bound them up so they could never cause any more mayhem ....

( .... and then he flew home ..... )

Under interrogation - which did not involve a little bunny bell or a knotted rope, I hasten to add - No's. 5 & 6 admitted to the charges levelled against them. They stated that they were fed up with living in these appalling conditions .....

.... while 007 was being treated as a superstar monkee who got all the glory. Well .... I guess they have a point ....

And I'll leave it to them to sum up ....

.... we're still monkees made of knit .....

.... don't hate us because our mouths are ugly .....

Well, I think we can all learn a lesson from that .... oh, come on, it wouldn't be a proper tale without a moral at the end, now would it?

The End.

Just to show that there really are no hard feelings, I'd like to thank the cast for their excellent performances ....

.... No. 6, Greg, 007 and No.5 ....

.... take a bow, guys ....

..... ummm ?.....

Wednesday, May 7

007 in Mission : Unbelievable - Part II

Hmmm - so it transpires that Greg was hanging around the place during that series of unfortunate events after all. How strange .....

.... pure coincidence? Or something much more sinister? I wonder .....

Still, innocent until proven guilty and all that, plus 007 didn't have time to ponder as he needed his little crocheted chums help .....

..... he asked Greg to collect a couple of essential items .....

.... and while he was gone 007 heaved and tugged and pulled and stretched, and finally got an arm free of the ropes, just in time to see Greg return with the supplies .....

.... a sheet of paper and a Secret Agent Security-Cleared Hugely Impressive Magic Pen (SAS-CHIMP) ....

007 started frantically scribbling a message just as it began to rain, which meant that events from here on in got even more frenzied ....

(yeah, sure, monkee torture is one thing - but frizzy hair is quite another!)

To the untrained eye, this may look like an ordinary - somewhat crumpled - piece of paper ....

But anyone with an SAS-CHIMP would be able to tell you that it is actually a very detailed and highly elaborate plan, chock full of maps, advice and instructions on how to rescue a monkee in peril .....

.... ahem .... ok, so it's not actually that elaborate. Or detailed. Or chock full of instructions. But I think it does impart a very valuable message, and Greg was charged with delivering that message to it's intended recipient, Cedric .....

.... just as soon as it had stopped raining ....

.... he flew off .....

.... actually, he may have just waddled off .... to Cedric's place, somewhere on the south coast. ( .... it took a while)

For anyone who isn't familiar with Cedric, let me fill you in. Cedric Splatt is a Super Hero. A Super Hero who has a well deserved reputation for rescuing monkeys in peril.

Here he is, having just rescued Martin LaFelt from Ruby's knitted clutches, after she turned against him following a particularly bad PMS (Precocious Monkee Syndrome) episode ....

(just ignore what Lesley had to say about this incident .... he DID rescue Martin, Lesley just got the wrong end of the stick)

As soon as Cedric the Caped Crusader got 007's message, he sprang into action, and flew up to Bristol at warp speed, red cape billowing in the breeze.

(Unfortunately the batteries on my camera ran out at this very crucial moment, but with the aid of my trusty tablet and pen, I've been able to re-create the scene for you ..... )

Cedric flying in ....

.... to our fence .....

.... once the concussion had worn off, he immediately set about freeing 007 .....

.... and just as quickly as he'd arrived, he flew off again ....

.... into next door's hedge .....

.... Bye Cedric! And thank you - you're a Super Hero!

So at last, 007 was free. And if you're worrying about his welfare following the terrible goings on here over the last few days, please rest assured .... he's fine. After Cedric's departure he retired to the comfort of an armchair ....

.... with a four-pack and an ice-pack .... ahhhh, that's better!

And now dear reader, I'll leave you to decide. Just who was the criminal genius behind this evil plot to rid the world of 007?

Perhaps it was a new character or characters not yet involved in our tale ....

.... or could it really have been the mild-mannered Greg ....

.... possibly while under the influence of a mind altering substance .....?

Or was it this frowny man in the the monkey shirt?

Or could it just have been me, the mad monkee lady .....

.... after all .... pigeons don't wear green shoes ....

.... or do they?

Tune in tomorrow for the final exciting instalment slightly disappointing climax to
007 in Mission : Unbelievable

With special thanks to Rosie, who provided the Impressive Magic Pen prop ages ago, and to Lesley, who kindly let me borrow her pictures