In January I started my own 365 project, where you aim to take at least one photo every day. This was my photo for January 7th .....
But in July, when it became apparent that the only photo I was taking every day was of a knitted monkey, I stopped doing it ...... still, it lasted longer than my diary ..... I'm such a quitter!
Then, in August I thought I'd like to take another shot of that path, to see how different it looked in the summer ......
And last weekend we went back again for an autumnal shot ......
Oh no, wait ...... this one is ......
And while we were out, we saw this ......
If you'd seen the bird that did that.. you'd need a waterproof! I wondered if i had come to the right blog with those lovely shots of the park but no monkees, but then you saved the day and there was HP7. Phew! i was worried, HP7 don't let MM do that again
bird? I'd be thinking a pteradactyl ( you know those weird flying dinosaurs and yes i am sure i have spelt it wrong).
You kill me! There was I thinking this was an unusually serious post from Monkee HQ but then... wham! Got me laughing...again :o)
Lovely serious photos by the way xx
what the........!!!!!
Wow. Do you live near Sesame Street? Was that "Big Bird" that did that? This postbox was brought to you by the letter "P".
Ding Dongs! I don't think I'd like to be looking skyward when that bird was doing his business!
Third time I'm trying this now... Blogger doesn't like me today :(
What on earth do you feed the birds down there??? You better keep a close eye on 007 when out and about... We don't want him to end up a yummy snack for THAT bird :S Terrible thought... :S
Lovely autumnal shots!!! :) Autumn is my favourite season... If we ever would get proper snow, it would be winter though... lol.
I got my bag it is lovely. So well made I am so impressed. Thanks again an what lovely paper. Sweets went down well.
Love the last shot...Dirty Birdie (Misery)...
As for the they are amazing!!!
You should try and keep taking them there is talent in them there shots!!!
Poor post box, but luckily not your head! (or HP7's, after the spike incident that would have really topped off his day)
Nice perspective-pics! But, that last one worries me. Unless you are fooling us all with a piccie of a miniature postbox, then I think I'll be staying indoors for a while, out of harm's way...
Although, isn't it supposed to be good luck if a bird... does *that*... on you? (and if so, that's surely the LUCKIEST postbox in Bristol - nay, the whole South West region!)
Lovely pictures especiallt the one with the Primate. The Royal Mail have finally delivered my cards, wonderful this First Class post of theirs!!
Nice photos - I keep meaning to do that with my favourite tree but keep forgetting!
either that has a personal grudge against the royal mail, or he needs to see a nutritionist...IMMEDIATELY...! either way, me & my monkeh (b/c i HAVE a monkeh now, hooray!!!!!!) would take the precaution of *always* wearing hats in that particular section of the park!
(ps: may i just say that i have a newfound appreciation for the skill, work, talent and sheer blogadicious derring-do that goes into producing a hilarious monkee photostory every day??! i've done ONE and i'm exhausted! you and vc have tipsy's and my "MUCH RESPECK!"!)
(tipsy taught me that phrase; apparently he learned it from ali g's monkeh, baldric!) :)
arrrgh! i only left out the most important WORD in sentence one! it should start off, "either that BIRD..." (arrrgh!)
Wotcha mean you can't knit and read at the same time? Strange! Don't try this serious blogging business with us again by the way - your public expects high standards of monkee mayhem!
Lucy x
In southern California we do not see changes in the seasons like that! :) It's beautiful.
yucky pooh.
I just found your blog and I must say I adore your monkeys, especially 007. You're so lucky to have gotten Smashie, he's so cute! I also wanted to say I mentioned you in my blog and thought it would be cool to have a picture of 007 so he can hypnotize people into visiting that ok? (If not, I'll promptly remove it.)
Again, I love your monkees!
OMG!!! Look at the size of that poo!! I think a relative of that bird has visited my window this week, but luckily the driving rain cleaned it before the window cleaner got at it!!
And yes, I have cast on another! I'm doing ears until I can get out to buy black wool - madly I have decided to knit one for my nieces for Christmas......and even madder, I have taken to talking to wonkey.
Great shots of the path in the seasons! I agree that must have been some bird - are moas really extinct and could they really not fly??
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