I feel I must defend myself 007 for that last picture. He was merely innocently welcoming a new knitted chum into the flock, and any other meaning that may have been implied by that picture is purely as a result of my potty mind. And possibly yours.
Anyway ..... moving swiftly on to more pressing issues .....
A warning to any new or prospective owners of monkees made of knit .....
They're very nosey .....
So be warned. It's a big bad world out there for the unsuspecting knitted primate. More monkee torture safety advice next time.
Right. I'm off to Ikea ..... in about three hours ..... for a teeny tiny shopping trip (and some Dime cake, natch). Does anybody need anything??
Dime cake? What is zis? Is it cake made with dime bars? If so,Im in, yes please!
Have you deliberately set your word verification to be mega difficult for me in the hope I dont comment. I mean come on, supercalifragerlisticexbeeallidoscious, thats a bit unfair at this time in a morning isnt it?
You could get me some of that dime cake if you like - I've been meaning to try it ever since the last time it featured on your blog!
Have fun in Ikea... hope it's not too hellish... you should be ok on a Thurday morning, but you never can tell when it might surprise you and be heaving. If you don't blog tomorrow I'll know you're still queuing at the tills and I'll send in a rescue party.
God Speed.
Now..you really seem to have it all, don'tcha? The most gorgeous monkee made of knit ever - and a Sean Connery impersonating improvement device to make him live up to his name to boot!
("The name'sh Bond. Jamesh Bond.")
As for Ikea...almond tart, please. Need something to nourish ma flu-stricken body, you know?
PS..word verification describes the state of my clogged-up brain very aptly..exnhygsk says it all. Could also be the name of an Ikea bathmat tho...
Oh I'll just have a pack of the dime bars please. And some meatballs. And if you're passing the kitcheny bit could you grab a couple of those glass storage jars that look like old fashioned sweetie jars. And actually, we do need a new wardrobe for the kids room. Just drop it all off next time you're passing.
I would like some cinnamonrolls if I'm not to late ; )
BTW I think the AAMAA will visit you soon (American Anti Monkey Abuse Association)
I'll come to IKEA with you! Can you pick me up on the way - only a little detour - or you could come to the one here and there would be practically no detour at all!!!
Stop being mean to 007 - just coz you've sold of the stunt(ed) monkees so they can't pick on him doesn't mean you should instead!
Lucy x
Oh b@@**r my first post didn't catch on so here I go again:
This is a bit late I know, but I have been far far away from pc land (different from PC world) but anyway ......... Happy Birthday you old trout!! From an even older trout!
I read with envy your planned birthday away day (love Wales, me)and only slightly less envy at the reality day, but hey, IKEA on a Thursday, is this turning into a Birthday Week Off??!! Thats ma girl! Love Mrs Manic and co xx
I'm with you in spirit as I was too late reading your blog to drop everything, drive 120 miles and join you - shame on me.
We've been to your Ikea several times so I will be able to imagine you there - is 007 going or is he sitting at home nursing his poor squished chops?
Ruby is shocked. Even after everything 007 subjected her to she could not contemplate primate vice revenge!
Mrs Moogsmum (who obviously needs to get out more!!)
Your Ikea sounds like a southern Super Wal-Mart.
What's Dime Cake?
Oh I hate dime bars ! And my food at Ikea the other week was cold. So no nothing for me !
Could you please get me a couple of those nice big RAM frames they do? The largest size - I feel a fabric collage or two coming on. Thank you!
And what, exactly IS that contraption 007 was playing with???
:-) x
Is that Dime cake from the freezer section?
I thought it was only me and Stella that knew about it!
Don't tell anyone but I also buy the packets of the gravy stuff that goes over the meatballs, it's lovely.
My husband says Ikea Gooseberry jam is THE BEST EVER.
I am admiring the vice.....sad but true I want one!
I'm with Patti, can you get me some of those glass jars as I need more storage for my ever growing craft stash. I need the size that 007 would fit comfortably in :)
Ikea! oh no your poor bank account, i never get out of there without spending £100 and that just in the market hall!
OH Dime cake...yep its a big Suzie Sews favourite too...as is the chocolate mouse!!! Watch out the big hips are on their way!!!
I LOVE ikea! and it sounds like I would LOVE Dime cake too ( yep! I love any kind of cake!!!!!)
Ikea here I come! Our nearest branch is a 2½ hour drive away, but as the other branch is in Barcelona and a 5 hour drive away, on the 5th December we are heading south.....on a coach with thirty-odd other people paying 5€ a head in the hope that they can purchase bottled Monkees for Christmas.
wahey! 007 is branching out from the bond films and planning a remake of MIAMI VICE!!!!! hahahahahaha! geddit??! miami *vice*??! HAHAHA! ...i'll get m'coat...
(my word verificatiion is "YAGHJG" which i'm pretty sure in swedish means, "no IKEA for you!" dang.)
I showed this post and read the photo captions to my 7yo son - he thought it was the funniest thing he'd ever seen! And I had such a laugh watching him rolling around the sofa, tears of laughter running down his face!
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