You can't really tell from this picture, but yesterday started off quite misty ......
We had a fun filled day ...... first of all we went to our favourite Coffee Shop, where 007 waited patiently .......
....... for a few seconds, but then got bored and was off exploring the artwork ...... he particularly liked this one ......
....... mmmm, breakfast of champions .......
And guess what was right outside the coffee shop?
Why, it's a fire engine, complete with a very accommodating fireman!
Mm, yeah, accommodating until he said he wasn't giving 007 back to me ...... then things turned a little bit nasty .....
We did a spot of shopping ......
Climbed a few trees ......
...... and just generally had lots of fun. Until we started playing a game of "Hide the Spike" .......
...... which 007 didn't enjoy much ......
Later, when we got home, RGH and I settled down to read the papers and 007 kept himself amused ......
Wow, that artwork in Coffee#1 had really inspired him ......
And as if all that wasn't enough, last night there was a fireworks display in the field behind our house. The RBD's and their friends went across and stood around in the cold to watch it, but RGH and I decided to watch from the comfort of our garden ......
And for those people wondering how best to care for a monkee made of knit when they start dropping on doormats, it's quite simple. Chocolate, muffins and alcohol is the diet of choice
Anything goes really ..... but if I was you, I'd try to refrain from carrying them around town like this ......
Looks like 007 had a great day. What a friendly fireman. Perchance is 007 celebrating the departure of several stunt monkees?
I love the monkey heaven, are monkey addicts allowed too? BTW watch out for 007 as he isn't just a plain stunrmonke but a 'Karel Appel'-to be as well ; )
Lol. I think I would have left 007 on the pavement and got in the fire engine myself! My Mums coming to teach me how to knit this morning, I'm blaming you!
I love 007 xoxoxoxo
007 "king of the Swingers oh, the jungle VIP" freedom now all the stunt monkees have gone, i 'spec' they were cramping his style!?
: o hide the spike!, thats so mean!, made me laugh though : )
That's funny. It really doesn't look like your creations have any monkee nuts at all...
I am very impressed by 007's artistic talent!!! :D Love his painting!!!
Looks like he really enjoyed the day (ok, apart from the spike game I spose lol). My munkee overdid it a little... he felt slightly delicate at some point (hangover ... shhhhh!!). He's recovered now :D And he says he admires 007 for being sooo brave holding that sparkler :D
How's he dealing with the lack of stunt monkees? Does he miss them?
Now this is distinctly not fair! I carefully checked Google Reader this morning for any monkee-mayhem-and-madness - nothing there! So here I am at 2pm minding my own business and reading through the updated blogs on the aforementioned Google Reader when up pops yours! Hours, literally HOURS after you left it. A whole morning wasted when I could have been sniggering quietly to myself about 007 and hide the spike! Not fair at all! I will call the Google Reader Ombudsman immediately!
Yours in disgust
Mrs Lucy Locket
Looks like a great day was had...Man I missed out on the shop...bummer...well I had better get my needles out and start knitting!!!
Suzie Sews
007!!! your talent amazes me! you're the picasso of primates, the chagall of chimps, the (yeah, i gotta say it, sorry) monet of monkees!!! :)
(but dude...stay away from those park railings...YEEEOUCH!)
Wow, so much going on during your Sunday that I just don't know what to comment on! So I will just say that I think the pics are all great, and it looks like you had a lot of fun :o)
Hmm, generic commenting is kinda dull though... sorry... will try to come up with something wittier next time you post...
Looks like a perfect day at Monkee Towers!
Thank you so much for the pretty parcel of pink primate perfection that has arrived at Moogsville - photos to be posted very shortly indeed. I'm under the Monkee spell already :o)
I'm getting the bananas and booze in :)
So even 007 has a talent for creating! This crafting lark must be catching!
Im not talking to you because your firework photos are better than mine.
I shall therefore 'sign' to you that I love the monkey heaven photo.
Oh and Im I still you now Im no longer young? Cause that will really confuse me!
I'm dying to know how the conversation with the fireman panned out... "Hi, erm, I've got this knitted monkey and I was just wondering..."
And the hide-the-spike game is just cruel! I've told you before, I'll be ringing the people at Monkey World!
My monkee parcel arrived today - and people, you are going to be so jealous! The 007 bag is just fantastic. I love it so much!
These word verification things are getting longer and more difficult to read every time I leave a comment!
Love the firework, great reason to have a party (not to mention the drive home after the party is so much easier this way).
Looks like a grand day out!
Muffins, monkeys and fireman?! Such a lovely day. *g*
Did I have nothing to say yesterday? Shocked! I'm shocked!
ouch, poor 007 with a spike up his bum - he didn't look overly impressed!!!
Thanks for the lovely comment on my blog, I love the idea of making a book, I will chech it out, thank you again for all your supportive commenys about my photography.
Id still rather look at Monkeys getting up to trouble...
HP9 arrived safely this morning ( well, he was actually stuffed under the back gate in a brown paper parcel, but it amounts to the same thing!) and has already been spotted up to no good. I've blogged the photographic evidence... Thanks!
MM, pictures of scarf to be sent are in 'Oh my goodness I'm nearly finished.'
I LOVE your monkey !!
007 really does live life on the edge - sparklers and knitted monkee. Who would guess?
Looks like you and 007 had a good weekend!! I love the fact that he got to sit in the fire engine!!
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