Today's post is given over to the gift I received this week, from my good blogging friend, Vicious Chicken, over at the vicious chicken. I was as chuffed as someone can be when this little fellow dropped onto the doormat ......
He's a unique and special creation, in that he's part monkey, part smash martian (VC's words, not mine), and he's incredibly sweet.
Given that I'm not a fan of naming my own monkee's, it took some considerable time to come up with a moniker for the newbie, but luckily, I happened to have this book knocking around .....
I started randomly calling out names; Algernon! Baldric! Conan! But he didn't respond ......
...... Diggory! Elvis! Farquhar! Gazza! Horatio! ..... let's just save a bit of time here ..... I went through the whole alphabet, but he still didn't respond .....
...... until I said, "For criminey's sake, Smashie, what's your name?!"
Anyway, as it was lunch-time, we thought we'd have a bit of fun ......
We had a rousing game of hide and seek ......
(So pleased I got in that last shot ..... my favourite ever picture of the RGH, circa 1989, which lives at work with me because he doesn't like his hair in it. Cuh!)
Ok, so the hide and seek was more "quick" than rousing, but I guess that's what happens when you do both the hiding and seeking yourself.
When we got home, 007 was intrigued to see an unguarded box of choccies ..... yes, Smashie had come bearing gifts ......
He was a little taken aback when Smashie popped out though ......
Smashie's cute! :) I'm so glad he's settling in so nicely. :)
Nice to meet you Smashie. You haven't got a friend called Nicie have you? Watch that Monkee Maker - she can be rough with Monkees. Just ask 007 about the spike game.
Smashie is adorable! Especially in the sandwich pack! You will be nice to him won't you? He's only young and innocent!
Say hello from me!
Your loving friend HP4 xxxxx
Smashie seems to have settled in quite nicely! Came bearing chocolate, eh? Smart monkee.
I LOVE Smashie!!! Soooo cute!!! :D And he brought chocolate... what a clever little thing :D
So, looks like the plans for monkee world domination are progressing nicely?
lol at monkey world domination!!
ps, check my blog, i have nominated you for a 'smile award' : )
actually, for you, based on the hide the spike picture alone, i should have changed it to a 'you make me roar with laughter award' shouldn't i!
: )
Oooooh lovely little Smashie. looks like work was fun with him around ;)
Ruby's homesick I think as she's gone very quiet. Good excuse to buy a box of chcolates then!!!
Ahh! Now you've got a Smashie, will you get a Nicey too? Fran, who remains anon because she has no blog!
Ha! I don't think that Smashie knows you as well as he thinks or he would have come bearing a bottle of something alcoholic.
Oooo! Perhaps he did? I think you should check the box again. He was monkeeing in a straight line right?
I'm sooooo jealous!
Aw, what a fab post - thanks, MM! I feel all bashful now... but I'm properly glad that Smashie is settling in OK.
LOVE the book of monkey names - so funny - and I will definately be making lots more monkey-martians: those Conans, Algernons and Elvises (and perhaps even a Ginsters?) need to be created :o)
And Smashie, about the chocolate stash: don't let 007 fool you. That big tin is probably empty if it's been in a houseful of monkees for a while :o)
Are you sure that is RGH and not the picture that came with the frame, eh? He's a tasty morsel whoever he is!!! ;)
Ah, Smash...with tesco's value beans and fish fingers from heron frozen foods (it was the cheapest place), that was my very fave (and special once a week treat) meal at uni.
Smashie is very very cute and I love his game of hide and seek! I haven't played hide and seek since I was a student - in fact I probably should still be hiding because 1. No one ever found me on the top shelf of the linen cupboard or standing on top of the wardobe!!
smashie is so cute! i'm sure he'll get along great with 007. maybe...
Ooo, my turn to post pictures of MY monkee!
Oh wait.
I don't have a MONKEE.
And thus began the Apocalypse.
I am becoming totally obsessed with your blog. It's making me want to start working on the animal parade more regularly. And I'm dying for a monkee of my own! Love from Vermont!
I love your latest addition, Smashie is .... smashing, well the others used up all the best words!Hide and seek sounded great fun,
Monkey world domination has caught on at craftconundrum come and see...
Loving Smashie and the spike game!! There's somebody on my blog who wants to be introduced!
Smashie is the cutest :-)
I hadn't checked your blog for a while and just look at what I missed !
i dunno...i think he kinda looks like a baldric! :) apparently this was officially international "welcome a new knitted monkee and let him...or her (s'cuse me, HP8!) ...write your blog" week!!! LOVE IT!
(ps: RGH!!! holy do you get ANY work done, my good woman, with that dreamy photo on your desk?! if bristolian government grinds to a halt i, for one, will know the reason why!)
smashie is so so cute!! Having loads of fun of course!!
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