Hi, my name's Kerry and I'm addicted. To blog (..... and to dry white wine but that's a whole other therapy session). I thought I had it under control, but I was wrong - I'm hooked. And don't they say that admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery?
The second step in my two-step plan (forget twelve steps ..... I did mention I was lazy, didn't I?) is to go cold turkey and take a week off the blog. But before you start weeping, wailing and gnashing your teeth ..... oh hang on, that's just me ..... it starts after tomorrow's post, and when I come back I'll be throwing open the doors on my monkee shop.
And to make up for a week of monkee silence, tomorrow's post is going to include a give-away or two so be here or be somewhere else ..... after all, you'll have one whole week to enter.
Something else that's happening tomorrow is that RGH and the RBD's are going down to sunny Devon for a couple of nights. The RBD's to be spoilt rotten by their Grandparents and RGH ostensibly to cycle up - and down - some proper hills, but really to be spoilt by his mum too.
Getting holiday during half-term is a bit of a bun-fight at my work, so I'll be staying here, and although I love my family with a passion, and would hate to be without them permanently, there are certain benefits to having a couple of days home alone.
These are ..... in no particular order .....
- when I get back from work the house will be exactly as I left it* - a strange and bizarre concept
- sandwiches and crisps for tea. Ok .... let's be honest here ..... just crisps
- no one begging me to put the knitting down and please get them some food - for God's sake - didn't they eat yesterday??
- Ditto above but to go cycling
- being able to watch this as many times as I like .....
- having full control of the remote ..... and contrary to popular opinion - knowing what to do with it
- the bed situation .......
Our bed is only a double ..... what's that 4 foot 6 inches? (1350 mm or 135 cm for those of you younger than me) which for two big people is really too small. Especially when it's used like this ......
Anyhoo, this next picture illustrates how the bed may or may not be used for the next couple of nights ......
Have fun being home alone - looking forward to the shop :D
Wow! A monkee shop! What will you do with a whole blogless week? Oh No! Have I rumbled your real situation?
You say you work in gov't - for this should we read 'spy'? Are you off on some 'secret squirrel' jaunt to save the world - one monkey at a time?
Wow - we call that particualr sleeping style in second pic the "rancho relaxo" and it feels goooood.
Should I be able to see a link to this monkey shop yet?
I was watching Doc Martin at my friend's house last night and his receptionist had an online gambling problem. When he came up and turned the computer off in the middle of something she screamed at him - I have to admit I would do the same if someone turned my computer off in the middle of blogging (I'm sure LSH is very tempted!!!)
Can't wait to see the monkey shop and I want a tutorial on how to do clever writing on photos please!
Lucy x
Crisps and wine, the perfect dinner combination.
Your bed looks like mine, any eating to be done has to be done on the DH's half of the bed. Enjoy your few days of peace and being in control of the telly.
Looking forward to the monkee shop.
Damn woman, I'm jealous! I'd even settle for a couple of hours without children. Anybody want to borrow 2 boys for a little while? They fight, whinge and whine constantly, eat loads and make such a mess... um not selling this too well am I?
Can offer cake as bribe to any brave souls...
Enjoy your week off, and try not to eat so many crisps that you need that sick bowl... after all, when you're home alone you'd only have to clear it up yourself (ick).
Very, very pleased to hear about the monkee shop (HOORAY!), and also tomorrow's giveaway thingy sounds exciting - BUT WHY MUST YOU DO THESE THINGS WHEN I AM GOING TO BE AWAY FROM MY COMPUTER?? Hmph. Although I'll be back in less than a week so maybe it's ok. Maybe.
No blogs for a week????? How are we going to manage!!! Enjoy your time off, looks like you've got it well planned ; )
Your illustrative diagram of the bed sharing situtation at your house tickled me no end, for you see, when we go to sleep, we begin with VC in my half (because it is "nicer in your half") and by the morning we end up with me having forced her out of the bed with my bottom overnight :oS
Happy peace and quiet, and making monkeys, I'm sure there will be a couple of purchases from us!
NBM xx
One whole week?? :/
I've tried taking a week off.. didn't work! I just admitted I had a problem and went on with it.. *lol*
A week off? Really? I'm sure if I had the house to myself in the evenings I'd be more addicted than ever. Good luck with the Monkee Shop - I bet they'll fly off the shelves. Monkee world domination looms methinks ;)
Enjoy your time 'home alone' and hope the vom bowl is surplus to requirements.
PS - I'm not really going to make a granny square skirt BTW! Might work on growing my nails longer though - ha ha!
Well..first: hooray for having the house to oneself and doing whatever one ****** well wants to. And hooray for the Monkee Shoppe - and for the giveaway (which I'm very likely to not win. Again. If it wasn't for my hair I'd be a female Charlie Brown.
Will miss your posts though...
On a completely different note: I am constantly vigilant to avert my eyes when I catch a glimpse of Bathroom Man. Had I been seeing him in he pic you mentionned, you would have noted a slightly pea green undertone of/in my complexion.
Just wait until I tell you details about my next door neighbours (especially her of the two-ton weight and builder's bum fame) of the noisy and extremely active..erm..lovelife whose bedroom is wall to wall with our living room...mwahahaha...
Dear MonkeeMaker:
That is precisely why we got a king sized bed.
PS - Except I was the one doing the crowding.
PPS - We'll miss you.
A week off???? How will you manage that???? ... And how will the public manage without regular updates from the knitted monkee headquarters??? I think I need to go lie down in a dark room....
Do enjoy your time of peace and quiet though :D I am not jealous... am not... nope... nu hu... not at all... who am I kidding?? I WANT PIZZA AND CHOCOLATE AND THE BED ALL FOR MYSELF!!!! ... Lol.
Monkee shoppe... what can I say? HOORAY!!!!! :D :D
Live it up...Yippee time for some Fun!!!
SUzie Sews
PS Your seling MOnkees...I will be in the que!!!
Oh my gosh, your posts just crack me up. I laughed out loud today.
I will miss reading you for a week (now that I've just found your blog!) but will be excited to see your return and find out more about your Monkee shop. Wow, that will be fun for sure. Enjoy the time alone too, and I'm with you, it would definitely be crisps for tea/dinner.
I love the photo of the basket of monkeys. They look so sweet there. No doubt, they are planning...be careful! :-)
Enjoy your time on your own. I usually enjoy mine but I'm happy when he returns, certainly.
ok simply your monkeys ROCK!!! so cute.
enjoy your time alone. rent some chick flicks too.
jessi nagy
Loved this post, lots of good news ; ) Diagram was hilarious but looks so familiar. Enjoy the pizza. Looking forward to the shop
A week alone in charge of the remote control. Bliss! Please make sure you hit the sickbowl and not any concerned monkees.
As for a monkee shop? If it opens in a week that gives me time to be paid :)
enjoy your week - that's one of my favorite things - having a little alone time (in short supply these days so i'm thoroughly envious). Love the bed :-)
and love the choice of movie - and a wonderful state it is (most of my youth spent there :-))
looking forward to seeing all the monkey's soon
I can relate to your illustration of the bed situation - I am constantly being accused of stealing the duvet and the lions share of the bed.
I dream the dream of being left alone for a few days of slobbing out and doing what I please.
The longer you don't blog the easier it gets....
Selling monkeys....do I need to ring the RSPCA?
Need a preemie primate babysitter? You know..so you'll have a true break from child care while you've got the time to yourself. Thinking of you and the need to *coughswipepreemieprimatecough* to get rest.
crisps for tea
crisps for tea
crisps for tea
enough said
tracy x
p.s - you gotta have a bag of pickled onion - yum
My fave is a crisp butty with brown sauce; eaten on his side of the bed of course (his side of the bed equalling ¾ of the available space)
Make the most of your week of "me time", that's if trashalou isn't correct in her thinking you are off to save the world from some dire threat to Monkeydom, and this talk of total bed rest with TV remote privileges is just a ruse, in which case....give 'em hell!
Love your blog, your bed diagram had me laughing aloud!
Will check back in a week !
So you are making us go cold turkey too,no blogs for a week.??????.Enjoy the time off but just make sure that RGH doesn't remove the batteries from the remote before he leaves.
Gad! a whole week with no Monkee antics?!!! No Monkee pix, no monkee jiggly bits, NO BLOG! How are we (the reader) to survive!!! Then a Monkee shop - what fun! OK, what kind of "giveaway"! Can we sign up now? Huh? can we? Have a wonderful time on your own! Enjoy the quiet, the whole bed and watch whatever you like on tv (how fun is that?!!). Please pass the crisps.
Hope you have a lovely week, we'll all still be here when you come back, crawling up the wall, sweating and shaking waiting for our next shot of Monkee fun. I made a monkey yesterday (not as good as yours though)
We will miss you! enjoy your time off, Look forward to seeing your shop soon. xx
hehehehe I like the picture of the stick-you sprawled out on the bed. :) hehe
anyway, I can't wait for tomorrow and your give-aways. And, did you say monkeys for sale??? yeppie!
I can't stop laughing. Nice inclusion of the "sick bowl" in the last pic - I like a woman who plans ahead. I once had a client who seriously requested (and received) for her birthday a weekend away at a nice hotel.
Have a great time! Meanwhile, I'll be practicing tactical use of the (virtual) elbow to get to your shop first when it opens. I'm pretty ruthless when it comes to acquisition of cute things for my, er, that is, for the Short One's collection.
ps Forgot to mention. Is your name Kerry, really?? I'd been wondering. It's nice to know (so if on my next visit to England I see someone taking pictures of 007, I'll know how to address her, of course. Although, I suppose with the shop opening, there could be whole leagues of people taking photos of 007-ish monkees...)
what you need is a bed like our new one, a super king size from ikea, is soooooo comfy, and huge, and comfy, and huge, and comfy, and.....
omg a whole blogless monkee-maker-less week??!?!? we're goin' cold monkee???! oh noooooo...i think i'm hyperventilating...waaaaaaaaaah! what kind of FIEND are you??! (ah well, here's my chance to catch up on the archives!)
ok, i just gotta keep repeating, "monkee shop...monkee shop...monkee shop" i'm thinking it might be easiest if we opened a joint bank account and you sent all completed monkees straight to me...of course, then i'd have the entire monkee-blog-reading world out for my blood. ok, i guess i can share! :)
enjoy your swingin' bachelorette week...or you know...that whole "saving the world" caper. tho do make sure if you ARE caught and captured it is by a gov't with enlightened views as to knitting supplies at etsy access...your public is depending on you, monkeepennee!
HI, a huge thank you for the pattern...I am especially pleased with the Moo cards...so cute, my older one wanted them all as he so loves your blog and the Monkee goings on. (I said no they are for ME!!!!) A real bummer I am not about for the shop, that would have saved me a good few hours, days, weeks or months knitting!!!I say this with confidence as I bet they all go with in minutes of your posting the shop open...
Suzie Sews
PS Hows the week going...Is it bliss?
A monkee shop! How excellent!
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