Wednesday, July 18

Do blonds REALLY have more fun?

Possibly not.

Random things about me #3

I loathe and detest buying new clothes. I think this is due to three things. The changing room mirrors - or what I see in them; humiliating memories of 80s/90s communal changing rooms (some things you never forget!); and the fact that I have hips.

Maybe that's why I'm drawn to the monkeys. They have hips too .......

And this mug. Definite hippage going on here ......

Trust me, you can trust a primate (or drinking receptacle) with hips.


Suzie Sews At DOTTY RED said...

just popped over for my morning giggle and as usual you supplied!!!
Suzie Sews

Michaela said...

Love the picture of No. 12 in the bath. All those bubbles, so very decadent! And the biscuits by the telly, he won't ever want to leave will he? (Have we given up on Myra then?)

Minerva Turkey said...

Great photos as always...brought a smile to my face. :)