Wow. Thanks! Sheesh. Phew. So it's not just me and the monkeys and RGH in knitted pants after all. Who knew there were so many knitted monkey admirers out there?
No more monkey pouting pictures from here on in then, it'll be smiles all the way until Saturday and the draw to rid me of this monkey bag once and for all.
Maybe if I hide quietly at the back she'll forget about sending me away
But I am enjoying this competition lark (now it's taken off!) and I'll definitely do more. Also, don't forget the monkey pattern is over there on the right, so why not pick up your sticks and give one a whirl, you may become addicted!
In non-monkey news, my RFS (Rather Fabulous Sister) and my RGB (Rather Groovy Bro-in-law) are visiting today in a big white van and then we're trucking off to Ikea, where we'll be fooling around on the beds. Well, they will be, I'll be the one holding the camera (mwah ha ha!).
But a trip to Ikea can mean only one thing .......
Coffee and Dime cake. Hurrah! Oh, and a few other rather tasty snacks.
Well, once again, I thank you, my monkey bag thanks you and No. 11 thanks you .......What the ..........?
More of No. 11 tomorrow, and in the meantime, please keep filling up my inbox!
This is WCS (Work Colleague's Sister) commenting at last ! No, I'm not entering the competition but I hope the Monkee goes to a good home after all the stress he has suffered !
dime bars in a cake!!!!!
sod the monkey i need to get myself off to ikea....... on second thoughts maybe i could take said monkey to carry back the loot?
just how many dime bar cakes can he carry??
tracy x
Love the blog...I'll be back!
Cool monkey! My tea bag monkey could do with a pal as the house is over run with teddy bears and he's feeling lonely!
Chris x
Oh what a treat, yep I am one of the followers of Cotton Rabbits and I took her advise and had a peek at your blog, yummy, these guys are just the happiest littest chaps I have seen for ages, cool cool cool. You know what it is worth you getting up at 6am. Keep on doing it...
Suzie Sews
Hi just came over from Julie's and I haven't laughed this much in ages, very funny blog, brilliant monkeys!
Carolyn x
Feeling in need of cheering up this morning I looked in on Little Cotton Rabbits and discovered monkeys! How could I stay grumpy looking at these guys? It's wonderful discovering new blogs sometimes and this has been a very entertaining visit, definitely one to come back to - I feel a lot better after all the laughing. You're good with words and the monkeys are just gorgeous so try and stop with the oft used phrase "not very good" OK?
Holy moly, those monkeys are fantastic. I think my daughter would love one of these. It's the Sirdar pattern at the right? I'll have to pick that up. It looks very Aardman-esque. Quite the British monkey.
Thanks so much for the backpack contest. I'm about to mention it on my blog. I may be shooting myself in the foot, but your work is too awesome not to share!
tvini did as she said she would, that's how I found my way here.
those monkeys truly are fantastic :D
Tvini did add some competition by mentioning your site on her blog! That's the cutest thing ever! I can't imagine being embarrassed to wear it, no matter what your age! It's adorable!
...I want all of your monkeys! Tvini tempted me to come here with a picture of an adorable monkey...
Just came here from Julie's blog, and I love it! I want that Monkey!! He's fab!
Yep, came here from Little Cotton Rabbits, too! Love your blog! Love your monkey! I'll definitely be back!
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