Sunday, May 13

The saga continues ......

So No. 3 took control and ruled with an iron rod. Actually it was a snooker cue but you get the general idea.

He forced No. 2 to join in with his cruel games .......

....... such as this cruel game ....... Roll the Balls

They even tried to steam No. 1 while making out they were giving him a "spa experience".

The final straw came when No. 3 tried to bury No. 1 in the dirty laundry basket. And believe me, NO-ONE should come that close to RGH's smalls!

But fear not, Monkey lovers, for the tide was turning. No. 1 shook off those boxer shorts and and fought back. He grabbed No. 3 and held him in a vice-like monkey grip until No 3 pleaded for mercy

Shortly after these traumatic events took place No. 1 was admitted into the little known Primate Priory for therapy. He now spends his days happily knitting and crocheting and is currently working on a knitted chimp of his very own. Yes, it's purple and no!..... that's a leg!

Editors note : Please do not look at the dates of the final two pictures too closely or the whole tale will unravel. Lets just call it artistic licence and say no more about it. Shh!

Right, that's it for now. I'm off for a muffin. Watch out for muffin porn coming to your screen soon!

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